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Initial Appointment Requirements

You must bring a completed questionnaire to your appointment.   The questionnaire can be obtained online.  Additionally, the questionnaire can be obtained at my office.

The only way Love-Law can provide the best legal advice or representation to you is by obtaining as many facts as possible about your legal matter.  Please provide as much information on the questionnaire as possible.  The questionnaire will be used in this office only and your confidentiality will be protected.  At your request, the questionnaire can be returned to you after the conference.

Love-Law has established specific questionnaires for each area of the law in which it  provides service.  The questionnaires must be printed and completed.  Select and complete the questionnaire in the area of the law in which you would like to set your appointment.  You can bring and discuss as many questionnaires as you like during your appointment. 

The questionnaire links are as follows: (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader

Family Law Link - Divorce
Family Law Link - Paternity
Bankruptcy Personal Injury Traffic Defense

Disclaimer: The information provided on this site/document is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues commonly encountered. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.